Pathway Hands and Eyes Services

What is included in the Hands and Eyes (H&E) Service?

The following work can be performed on behalf of our co-location clients on their co-located equipment.

Power on and power off all devices in a cabinet (hard reboot)
Harddisk drive exchange/installation *
Readouts of information from console (in coordination with resources from client) *
Plug and unplug network and power cables *
Racking or unracking hardware into the cabinet *

What do we need from you?

In order for us to handle your requests, we need the following from you:

Information regarding your processes and procedures for making changes to your collocated environment.
Permission from appropriate authorized persons in your company.
Contact information and preferred method of communication for someone to work with before, during, and after the change.
All required materials to enact the change, including hardware, special tools, and cables.

What are the fees for this service?
There are no fees for any of the work mentioned above. However, anything not expressly listed above is not included. This means that there may be fees for items including not limited to: out of pocket expenses, travel, hardware, software, taxes, or any additional tools or personnel required to perform the work. We will create an estimate for any such additional costs and will get your approval before work begins.

What are the hours of availability and what is the response time?
The above services will be available 24/7, but there are some restrictions. Items above marked with an asterisk (*) will require scheduling in order to ensure that appropriate staff are assigned to the task(s) in question. Item #1 above will be possible within one hour timeframe, and scheduled work will be available according to the schedule worked out between your contact and our staff.

What if the above doesn’t meet my needs?
If you need help with something that isn’t listed above, please reach out to us at and we will be glad to work with you to make a plan and carry it out.