Hosting Plan Features Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5
DNS Records 19.95 24.95 34.95 54.95 89.95


Monthly Bandwidth *subjected to our acceptable use policy 150 GB 325 GB 700 GB 1500 GB Unlimited
Bandwidth Overage
FTP Accounts 5 20 40 80 Unlimited
Disk Space 2 GB 5 GB 10 GB 30 GB 50 GB
Number of Domain Name 1 2 3 5
Number of Domain Aliases 5 10 20 35 50
Number of Databases Unlimited
Size of Total Database 500 MB 1 GB 2 GB 3 GB
Database Manager Included
Remote Database Access Included
SSL Certificates Included
Web Stats Included


High Availability, 99.9% Uptime Included
Proactive Network Monitoring Included
Instant Provisioning Included
24/7 Technical Support Included
Premium Support Included
Professional Consulting Services (monthly) 1 hour 1 hour


Number of Email Domains 1 2 3 5
# of Mailboxes 40 80 120 160 200
Mailbox Size – Group Quota 50 GB 100 GB 150 GB 200 GB 250 GB
Email Aliases Unlimited
Mailing Lists 5 10 25 50 100
Email Forwarding 50 100 250 Unlimited
Email Filters Included
Anti-Virus Included
Anti-Spam Included
Auto-Responder Included
IMAP (leave mail on server) Included
POP/SMTP support Included
Webmail Included
Catch All Addresses Included
Fetchmail Included
Personal Email Management Included
Group Email Management Included
Contacts and Calendar Included
Smart Attachement Management Included


MySQL Included
PHP5 Included
Perl/Python Included
CGI-BIN Included


Domain Name Registration $35/year
Domain Name Pointing and Redirect Included
Domain Name Transfer 2 3 5
Subdomains Unlimited
Alias Subdomains Unlimited
Number of primary DNS zones 2 4 6 10 16
Number of Secondary DNS zones 2 4 6 10 16
DNS Records 50 100 150 250 400


Web apps included included included included included
Front Office apps
Back Office apps


Add a Mailbox $2.50/per mailbox
Additional Domain Name Transfer $5.00/per transfer
Professional services with SME $100/hr