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5 Reasons why Managed IT Services Make Your Business Competitive

By April 17, 2020September 15th, 2023No Comments

5 Reasons why Managed IT Services Make Your Business Competitive

It’s easy to overlook the fact your business runs on technology when everything is running smoothly. But the minute things go wrong or mundane IT tasks aren’t done, the business can come to a complete stop.

Over half (58%) of businesses experienced some downtime due to an incident with the average being 23 hours, including mobile devices, desktops, and networks according to a Statistics Canada report. This is why managed IT support in Toronto can make your business competitive by lowering costs and improving security/business processes while making technology transparent.

Many companies cannot afford to maintain an in-house IT team. IT outsourcing through the right managed service provider delivers needed services and unexpected benefits. To prove the point, here are 5 reasons why managed IT support services make your business competitive.

1. Control IT Costs

Managed IT services help you control costs by turning fixed IT costs into variable costs that enable you to budget more effectively. This translates to only paying for the services and support you need. Everything from computers and networking to software updates, patching, and technology implementations are quick, efficient and timely to maximize business ROI.

2. Access to Certified IT Experts When Needed

Whether you have internal IT staff or part-time IT support, they have limited time and skills. By choosing managed IT services, Toronto businesses gain access to a full team of IT experts. This gives your IT organization an augmented team of technology certified IT experts who understand your technology and the latest solutions for improving your business today.

3. Compliance and Security

Almost every business today must deal with some form of regulatory compliance like HIPAA, PCI, and others. By implementing personal data security standards and monitoring processes, MSPs can make sure your data is safe from cyber threats no matter where it resides. The right provider of managed IT support in Toronto can perform performance and security assessments, simplify regulatory audits and implement security best practices across different IT systems from desktops and laptops to networking and cloud services.

4. Support Your Business Goals

Your business’s personnel must be able to work seamlessly with your IT systems as the combined engine driving your operations. When it comes to managed IT support, Toronto businesses need to make sure every part of their IT infrastructure is helping them to focus on achieving business goals. That means maximizing workforce and IT personnel resources by having your managed service provider supply the IT planning, technology, and implementation support you need to reach those goals.

5. Be Competitive

When you free up your in-house IT staff, they can focus on executing meaningful strategies that add actual value to your business by completing projects for expanding or improving business processes. This puts your business ahead of the competition by providing operational efficiency and IT system uptime. It also brings new and efficient technologies that expand business opportunities and enable you to compete with bigger companies in your sector. By choosing the right managed IT support, Toronto businesses can be more competitive through greater operational stability, growth, and security.