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How Data Centres Are Evolving in 2021

By March 25, 2021September 11th, 2023No Comments

The online world is a rapidly growing place, and the backbone of many industries, governments, and sectors worldwide is data. Data makes up the foundation for which many people live their lives, from their phones to the items they buy. One critical component of these large conglomerates of information is data centres and data centre services.

Data centre services allow businesses to hold high amounts of information, as it can be pricey buying the right technological infrastructure to do this. Thus, there are many data centre services in Ontario, where businesses can host their platforms the same as can be done with a physical storage unit.

Data centres around the world are quickly evolving, with some exciting changes arriving. If you currently work with a data centre in Toronto, you may want to see if these will soon be in place.

More Colocation

From Microsoft Azure to Facebook, data-driven networks are on the rise. Thus, the need for more data centre locations is quickly skyrocketing. As more businesses move to a remote work approach, 2021 will be showing an increase in colocation services throughout the year.

Advanced Cooling Tech

Data centres require a great deal of energy and power which means they heat up very quickly. This year new innovative cooling technologies are being released, and some are using artificial intelligence systems, which allows the centres to maintain consistent temperatures around the clock.
Demand For Data Centre Staff

With the amount of data growing, there is a demand for more workers to maintain and run the facilities. There are now programs designed to train and educate workers on the specific IT needs of a data centre in Toronto or elsewhere.

More Hyperscale Systems

Data centre services allow mass amounts of information to be stored and transferred, and as the infrastructure of the global web continues to grow, centres need to scale up. In 2021, you can expect to see more hyperscale facilities with comprehensive data centre services in Ontario and worldwide.

Focus on Sustainability

Sustainability is a hot topic for all industries, and data centres are no exception. Maintaining a sustainable facility is crucial for company optics and the bottom line. Some new sustainable technologies include cooling water sources that are closed-loop to using supplemental power sources.

If you want to get in on some of these significant changes, you should be working with a state-of-the-art data centre in Toronto.