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Role of Managed IT in digital transformation for business

By July 6, 2020September 11th, 2023No Comments

As the world rapidly evolves, organizations may struggle to keep up. The modern consumer is behind the push for change to digitize; organizations must keep up with the “always connected” trend. This is why digital transformation is crucial for all businesses, no matter the size. While this may seem like a popular buzzword, there is a lot of truth behind it. Companies are realizing that it’s something that cannot be avoided, and those who do will inevitably fall behind. 

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation challenges organizations to reflect on their current, possibly outdated, operating models, to increase agility in responding to both clients and competitors. In short, it streamlines processes using digital technology.

Disrupting the established operating models is in no way a negative. Taking new and creative approaches will only push organizations forward. There’s no innovation without experimentation.

How do MSPs fit into digitalization?

Managed Service Providers play a unique role in the world of digital transformation. The rapid emergence of new technology over recent years has seen the spotlight fall on managed IT to fill the gap between these technologies and craft solutions, platforms, and connections between them. MSPs have also had to take on agile approaches of their own to meet market demands and promptly adapt to market changes. As the market continues to grow with releases coming out closer and closer, MSPs find themselves having less time to adapt, meaning that they must find innovative ways to proceed and beat the learning curve.

What role do MSPs play?

  • Deliver meaningful client experiences

Providers should take a proactive approach to user experience. Your client’s goals are to streamline their digital experience to cater to their customers; it’s your job to provide guidance, knowledge and make sure that your client can transition seamlessly and with confidence.

  • Offer support every step of the way

This means being able to provide support 24/7. Many organizations simply do not have the resources to have IT staff on hand around the clock. MSPs should have the right tools in place to help clients with any issues that may arise.

  • Provide proven, cost-efficient infrastructure

Digitalization is a highly intensive process, but it is a must for businesses. Cloud technologies are the most efficient way for businesses to transition but must be tailored to the client’s stack. Managed Cloud Services allow freedom and flexibility to clients, giving them the technology to meet their customers’ demands.

Backup and storage are an integral part of the infrastructure but come at high costs and require a lot of maintenance and physical space. MSPs provide this network of devices for clients as well as any maintenance and service, significantly reducing costs.

  • Expand the digital transformation process

The transformation process isn’t a one and done situation; it’s a gradual process that takes time. Once an MSP has successfully guided a client through the transition, they can propose transition plans for other parts of the business, gradually moving the whole organization forward.

Organizations looking to keep up with the current market cannot avoid digital transformation. MSPs are an excellent way to streamline the digitalization process and make sure it’s done right the first time around. Contact Pathway today for a quote on a digital transformation for your organization.